first DIY project on the blog!! so a couple weeks ago jeff & i went garage selling! i was on a hunt. i have been wanting a coffee table for our home ever since we moved here, but i wanted a very specific kind. cheap! well we found just that & i love it. the first place we went to is where we got this amazing find. i saw the coffee table & knew i had to have it, perfect size & height. in our house a lot of the things are the same height. with this table i was able to create some various heights in the room also adding dimension. we were able to get this for seriously an amazing deal!! $5, yeah you could say i am quite the bargain hunter! i will not buy anything if it's not on sale or i know i can get a price. so total this coffe table only cost us $8 which included the spray paint that we used. {i'll tell you what brand we used in another post.} it was super easy & fast. i highly suggest to anyone that is a budget to check our garage sells first, you never know what treasures you can find! "another mans trash is another mans treasure." so true!!

gosh i love this table! it's so simple & the perfect size. the first thing that we had to do was clean it. we just used hot soapy water, and then i used 409 to make sure it was really clean. took like 3 minutes. it already was in good condition.
my favorite part tho is this subtle detail on the front of the table. so pretty!!
so after we cleaned it we were ready to get to the painting! i am horrible at spray paint so i let jeff do that part :). thanks hun. we did the bottom part first so we wouldn't have to ruin the top of it. once it was all dried we did another coat to make sure it was even.
i wanted to use a high gloss on the table to make it look a little nicer & to have light reflect of it more. our house isn't the biggest so i wanted to make sure that i was adding bright & light furnishings to the space to make it seem bigger.
BUT make sure it is completely, i mean absolutely dry before you place anything on it...or else you may get your favorite magazine copied to it. we had to spray paint it again, & REALLY let it dry!!!! so in all make sure it is dry :). i just got too excited haha.
and there you have it. super easy, pretty coffee table!
just throw on some cute accessories that you are obsessed with. whether it's your favorite magazines or books, flowers from husband, pretty vases, or even a tray with some odds & ends. either way make it your own & have fun with it!!