so last week marked 6 months that my awesome stud of a brother has been out serving his LDS mission! he left may 15 for his mission in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania speaking Spanish. & I miss him like crazy. we were super lucky that we was able to there for our wedding. i remember praying that he could be there, prayers were answered people!! it was such a neat experience to have one my siblings there for me & jeff. jeffery is the youngest of 6 children so they were able to be there for him which was soo cool! but me being the oldest i was lucky enough to have my brother there before he left our family for two years. i love the quote, "a missionary leaves his family for two years, so that those who he teaches can be families forever." jeff & i are both extremely blessed to be born into the families that we have. both such great examples to us & our biggest support teams. even though he still has 18 months left, i know my brother preston is doing great work for the people of philly. he has such a sweet spirit about him, & truly is the nicest person out there. no bad feelings does that guy have towards anyone!! he was my first brother, adventure seeker & friend. preston has always made me want to be a better person & strive for the best. i love him so much & wish him the best luck on his mission!!

aww our first MLB game! Go Mariners!
this sums up our relationship perfectly
i wouldn't be surprised if this was his idea
the infamous "point to where you are going pic" in the MTC
{Philadelphia, Pennsylvania}
there was a time i was taller then him, he's like a freaking tower now!
with my adorable mom
i swear he loves me!
love you preston & i know you are kicking butt on your mission!!!! can't wait to see you, although i wish it was a lot sooner! we all love you Elder Leavitt :).
Love, Mrs. J.H
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