Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Boise Goodies, You Light Up My Life!

this past weekend the husband & i were able to drive up to BOISE! i was so excited to be back there, even if it was only for a couple of days. being in a small town can get to be kind of claustrophobic at times, so going to the city is a nice break!! also i get to shop around! and that's what i did :). first of all i love Target, like a lot. {they are actually the only place that carries my size in shoes...embarrassing. jeffery married a sasquatch!!} we had a gift card, so it was a given that we had to go there. in our little home, if you have been following along {if not you should!} i have been trying to make the small space seem more open and bright! some things that i have done to help achieve that is lighter colors, whites, space planning, adding a mirror/floor lamp & of course keeping it clean! but that's a whole different subject i will get into later haha. but there was corner that needed attention! to fix that, i purchased the cutest lamp!!! i love it. it's so simple, sleek, & modern. also i was having a hard time to figuring out what size of lamp was good to place on my end table {you can see the end table here}. but i found it! & it's amazing. another thing that it i like about the lamp is that it is, i guess you could say see through. haha idk. but it defiantly isn't bulky which is nice because it helps keep the space airy rather than crowded. if that makes sense!?
the last thing i was able to do was pick up some pictures! i believe every home should have some piece of art that they love. family pictures, canvas art, paintings, mirrors, shelves that hold books or pottery. either way fill your home with things that you love! that's what i have done & it has been fun to see how everything has turned out. but something that i was missing in our home was a picture of the temple. living far away from a temple has actually been harder than i thought. in Boise i was fortunate enough live about 15 minutes away. & in Salt Lake i lived right next door to it. i really did take it for granted. now that we have to drive either 45 min-2 hours i know how important it is to me. so the pictures that i was able to put into some frames were of the Twin Falls, Idaho Temple & a quote by Thomas S. Monson that i designed. Weird how some art that you really love & it means something to you can make a house a home.
 after...so much better :)

this is what i was talking about...see through much?!
 even though the elephant is beach themed...i like it! so i kept it!! and that torn book i did on purpose haha so don't think i am this huge reader that destroys books. only for decoration ;)
 i spray painted this frame like right when we moved here & i couldn't just have it be empty. so i guess i decided a dream house seemed appropriate for the time being!
 an old doodle in need of a face lift!
 Twin Falls, Idaho Temple....muchhhhh better

 "choose your love. love you choice." -Thomas S. Monson
 by the way thank you everyone who has been keeping up with us! it's really cool to hear from you guys saying that you have. i didn't know people actually read this thing other than my mom & sister haha. so i think you are pretty cool :).


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