Thursday, January 16, 2014

We had a Merry Christmas & hope you did too

three weeks ago i was packing for a road trip home, yup on christmas eve. jeff was working late at work while i was prepping. my parents had been asking us if we were going to be there for Christmas, unfortunately we could get there the day after Christmas. so they thought ;). we made the drive at 10 o'clock at night to BOISE. my family still had no idea that we were coming, we were pretty excited to surprise them. I LOVE SURPRISES! the closer that we getting to my home, the more excited and anxious we were. jeff suggested we just go in and go to bed and wake them up in the morning. but i was scared that my grandparents would wake up {i didn't want to give them a heart attack and send them to the hospital on Christmas haha}. i called my mom, at this point it was like 1:30am, i knew she would be up because of all the Christmas presents she had to wrap still. she picked up the phone and thought she was going to listen to her crying daughter {who she thought was really sick} but no i told her that we were right outside!!! and you wanna know what she said!? "Julia, YOU'RE A TURD!!". i thought i would have gotten more excitement out of her haha. so of course my dad comes outside and is shocked and he welcomes us inside! the rest of the night we just caught up and then went to bed shortly after.
the next morning my dad woke us up to go upstairs to start Christmas morning. all i really remember is alyssa, jordan & grandma were sitting on the couch and our shadows were on the wall by the stairs. alyssa saw our shadow, and instead of thinking "ohh jeff and julia really did come!?" she thought my parents hired someone to pretend to be the bottom of the stairs! hahaha we couldn't stop laughing. our family loves traditions and everything, but we have never ever hired a santa. why now?? anyways! we turned the corner and everyone was shocked! successsssss ;). my grandma's reaction was priceless. the whole time she thought she wouldn't even see us, and now there we were. she was pretty happy :). and my sisters reaction was always hahahahahaha. lets just say she is very animated ;). love youuuuu! after that we begun Christmas morning with the opening of the gifts.
our Christmas was really good, especially since we were with family! thanks babe for making that happen. it was such a different experience sharing it with my new little family, i cant wait for more! my husband seriously has made this past year one of the best ones yet, if not the best! so many wonderful things happened & changes. i am just glad that he was there to experience them with me all year long! and now we have a new year to look forward to, it should be a good one!

 decorating our first Christmas tree :)

 oh hey that's me

i think we decorated our tree at like 1:00am...whoops! it needed to be done tho
 we got my parents this new game called Heads fun!!! it's Ellen DeGeneres' new game
 bowling with the family, of course
 my beautiful sister alyssa...she just had to get a new Christmas outfit ;)
Merry Christmas from ussssss  
 our men playing Just Dance 2014
 obviously megan and i were into it
 i am so glad that my best friend lives here. it makes this little town more bearable! megan last year we went to the YSA dance just last year!!
 i give you megan & danny buckley
 gotta have it
 jeff has an obsession with miley cyrus. not really thank goodness
 four cups for four friends
me and my man!
after our fun trip to Boise we had to come home where we celebrated New Years Eve with my best friend and her husband. it was fun time playing the new Just Dance and watching the ball drop with them! last year megan and i went to the YSA dance at BSU together and that's where i saw jeffery again. once again we are all together again + one {megans new hubby!}.

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