Who would have thought that this would have been the first picture of Julia and I. She's a little blurry but that's alright the main man in the picture here is Spbby (the guy to the left of me). His face is just amazing! But anyways, this picture was taken on New Year's Eve 2012. We were at a YSA Activity in Boise. At the time Julia wanted to kiss that dude to her left but I quickly changed that after only a few weeks. Sucker. We had a ton of fun though. After just a few short days we began to date more "heavily." I was really intimidated by her especially after she kicked by butt on our first date bowling. She like wasted me and it was embarrassing because I told her I wasn't good. She assured me that she wasn't good either. (She failed to tell me that her father was basically a professional bowler, and that she was raised at a bowling alley day care) Totally unfair. I didn't even stand a chance. As you can see by the score on the first TV down there. We did have a ton of fun the next few months though. We were able to do a ton of fun things together. It was a short courting but we loved every second of it. Perhaps too much. Here are a few snapshots of our experiences.

Jcrew (Me) 91 Jules (Wife) 130 Owned
Here is a photo of Julia and I at the BSU basketball game earlier this spring. It was fun to have some time with her! As usual Garrison was there with us to help us out with the rules of basketball. I get the general gist of everything but sometimes it's hard to understand what the heck the reff called on some of the plays. (football is more my sport) But it was a lot of fun to go to the game.

Garrison and I have way too much fun together. I was so excited to have him meet Julia and we all became the best of friends. Garrison and I have been friends since we were about 7 years old. We have a long history together and I was happy to see him get along with Julia and for Julia to fall in love with him just as much as me. He's my partner in crime. We do everything together including get dressed up in 80's gear from (DI, and TJ Max or something like that) But anyways we then had fun at a Ice Skating ring dress in 80's garb. We were the only ones in 80's gear and it was quite funny. His head-band bandanna is the greatest part of the entire set up. I'm so grateful for friends that you can do dorky stuff with. Also I'm surprised that Julia still married me after these stunts on the ice.

Here are a few more pictures of Julia and I with Garrison. We were supporting him at our local YSA basketball game. We were the only ones there with a sign. Our ward was the only one that had cheerleaders there to support them. We won no big deal.

Here are some more pictures from more bowling alleys. This time we were enjoying the new alley at Big Al's in Meridian. It was pretty cool, they served drinks and ice cream to us as we bowled. It was fun. We were there for Jordan's Birthday and it was really fun! Her family is pretty good at bowling I think that was my first time getting 2 strikes in a row and the next time we went I actually got a Turkey. I felt pretty accomplished. We have had a ton of fun dating. Looking back at the pictures just makes me happy! It helps me realize how lucky of a guy I am and how amazing my wife is. I would suggest to anyone in a relationship to go back through old pictures and see exactly how much fun you have had together it really puts things into a different perspective.
Late night snack at a dive bar in Boise...Classy.
Us at the capital building in Salt Lake City (First trip to Utah! Whoot whoot!)
Mr. J.H
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